102 Blue Jay CT, Richwood, TX
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As a seller, it is crucial to understand the correlation between various real estate metrics in order to make informed decisions about pricing and timing when listing your home.
The Months Supply of Inventory is currently at 3.46, indicating a fairly balanced market between supply and demand. This means that there is approximately 3.46 months' worth of homes available for sale based on the current rate of sales.
The 12-Month Change in Months of Inventory has increased by +1.17%, suggesting a slight uptick in inventory levels compared to the previous year. This could potentially lead to a slight decrease in competition among sellers, but it is important to monitor this trend closely.
The Median Days Homes are On the Market is 31, indicating that homes are selling relatively quickly in the current market. This is a positive sign for sellers, as it suggests that there is strong demand for homes in the area.
The List to Sold Price Percentage is 98.5%, meaning that homes are typically selling very close to their listing price. This is a good indicator of a strong seller's market, where buyers are willing to pay close to asking price for homes.
Finally, the Median Sold Price is $282,450, providing sellers with a benchmark for pricing their own home. It is important to consider this median price when setting the listing price for your property, as it can help attract potential buyers and ensure a successful sale.
Providing floor plans in real estate listings increases the appeal, efficiency, and effectiveness of the listing process, benefiting both sellers and buyers by offering clarity, enhancing communication, and aiding in better decision-making.
These plans are published and embedded into your featured site, as well as sites like Zillow, Realtor.com and HAR.com.